Aleksandr Diment


Audio Research Group
Department of Signal Processing
Tampere University of Technology

Google Scholar profile

LaTeX hints

Narrow margins with one command


Remove automatic scaling of tikz ticks

  scaled ticks=false,
  tick label style={/pgf/number format/fixed}
Source: Ignasi @stackexchange

Fix left justification in p{} tabulars (use P{} instead)

Source: egreg @stackexchange.

Citations in Beamer as footnotes with fixed multiple citations per link issue




  %  {}
     {\BibliographyWarning{Ignoring prenote argument}}%
     {\BibliographyWarning{Ignoring postnote argument}}}




Some filler text \notefullcite{cotton}, then some more text
\notefullcite{hammond}. Perhaps some more text and the same
citation again \notefullcite{hammond}. Yet another one
\notefullcite{knuth:ct:a}. Now all again

Some filler text,\superfullcite{augustine} then some more
text.\superfullcite{companion} Perhaps some more text and the
same citation again.\superfullcite{companion} Yet another
one.\superfullcite{kastenholz} Now all

Source: Joseph Wright.